Information about the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Including changes to our visitor policy

Join Us

Orchard Hospital welcomes volunteers of all ages!

The Junior Volunteer Program is available to youth ages 11-18. Applications may be picked up at the hospital registration/admitting department. If you would like an application mailed to you, please call (530) 846-9038.

Adults interested in volunteering time in specific departments may contact (530) 846-9038 for more information and applications.

Auxiliary applications are available at the Auxiliary desk located in the lobby of the hospital Monday through Saturday between 9 am and 5 pm. For more Auxiliary information, call (530) 846-9000.

Thank you for your interest in being a volunteer at Orchard Hospital. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Orchard Hospital is a SAFE SURRENDER SITE: By state law, an infant up to 72 hours old may be left with a health care profession at Orchard Hospital, legally and anonymously.