Information about the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Including changes to our visitor policy

Contact Us

Orchard Hospital

240 Spruce Street
Gridley, CA 95948
Main Contact Number (530) 846-9000
Fax Number (530) 846-9027
Medical Records (530) 846-9058
Fax Number (530) 846-9089

Medical Specialty Center

284 Spruce Street
Gridley, CA 95948
Main Contact Number (530) 846-9080
Fax Number (530) 846-4015

Medical Specialty Center Oroville

2990 Oro Dam Blvd, E. Suite A
Oroville, CA 95966
Main Contact Number (530) 353-3332

To reach a specific department, please contact the main line (530) 846-9000. You will be prompted to choose an option, below are the options:

  • Please select your language, press 1 for English or 2 for Spanish
  • To reach our Medical Specialty Center, press 1
  • For Cardiopulmonary, press 2
  • For Medical Records, press 3
  • For billing questions or concerns, press 4
  • For Radiology, press 5
  • For the Lab, press 6
  • To reach our Human Resource Department, press 7
  • For Administration, press 8

To speak to a patient, please call the main line and press 0 for Registration.

Use the form below to Contact Us Online

Orchard Hospital is a SAFE SURRENDER SITE: By state law, an infant up to 72 hours old may be left with a health care profession at Orchard Hospital, legally and anonymously.