About Auxiliary
Orchard Hospital Auxiliary
The Orchard Hospital Auxiliary is an organization that renders services to the hospital and its patients and visitors. We earn funds to provide assistance to the facility and help buy needed equipment.
Currently, we have 25 people performing volunteer duties. Volunteers work two-hour shifts between 9:00am to 5:00pm, Monday through Saturday. Applications for membership are available at the Auxiliary desk in the lobby of the hospital or under the Join Us section of the Orchard Hospital website.
At times, there are scholarships available for those who wish to further their education in the medical or health field.
There is a gift shop in the lobby where greeting cards, toys, candy, and many other items are sold at reasonable prices. All proceeds are donated to the hospital to support programs, projects, and services.
Through the 46 years of existence, the Auxiliary has provided a valuable service to the hospital and to the surrounding communities.